All Works

20th century 1800s Abstract Action Adventure Aggression Agitated Amazement Ambient anger angst Animation Anxiety Argument Battle Biblical Bravery Buildup Calm Celebration Chaotic Chase Chilling Christmas Climactic Comedy Confusion Countryside Creepy death Depressing Disaster Dream Eerie Epic Fairy tale Fantasy Fight Flying Frenzied Frightening Ghost Gloomy Grieving Halloween Haunting Heroic Holidays Horror Inspirational Intense Joyful Lonely Medieval Meditation Military Mourning Mystery Mystical New Age Panicked Patriotic Political Religious Romance Sacred Sad Sci-Fi Serene sorrow Sports Supense Supernatural Tragedy Turmoil Uplifting War Worry

A symphonic work filled with many Western themes, this work is perfect for dramatic build ups and emotional reveals. With an Indiana Jones-reminiscent melody, this song provides a classic cinematographic atmosphere. …

Energetic (1:15)Triumph (1:15)Suspense (3:03)Foreboding (3:03)Action (1:50)Adventure, Fantasy (3:10)Sci-Fi (3:10)Western (3:10)Thriller (1:50)

A nostalgic woodwind-featured movement brings a minor-key melody out from the woodworks. This work can bring a hint of quiet intensity to any scene, whether dark & sad or warm & reflective. …

A percussive introduction establishes the active atmosphere this song provides. Great for a chase scene, or any scene with some sort of confusion. Dissonant melodies add a bit of tension that is great for any suspenseful scene. …

Thriller (0:00)Mystery (0:00)Horror (0:00)Sci-Fi (2:19)Action (1:13)

Another woodwind-featured Movement of Maslanka’s A Child’s Garden of Dreams creates a nostalgic yet hopeful ambience, great for any reunion scene or “happy ending” scenario. This work gives the feeling that all is well again, while eventually moving into a tenser dramatic moment, only to be again releived to a comfortable melody–bringing the work full circle. …

Drama (0:00)Film Noir (0:00)Mystery (0:00)Fantasy (0:00)Fantasy (2:33)Mystery (3:40)Fantasy (5:48)Drama (5:48)Film Noir (8:07)

The final movement to Maslanka’s A Child’s Garden of Dreams takes many themes from the previous movements; summing together the atmospheres of the dramatic reveal with the calmer, more reflective woodwind-featured melodies; along with action packed, frantic melodic phrases. This is a great work to feature in a closing scene, especially if the other Movements were to be used earlier in the production. …

Fantasy (0:00)Adventure (0:52)Peaceful (1:13)Western (1:13)Sci-Fi (1:13)News (1:13)Family (1:56)Calm (2:23)Peaceful (2:23)Peaceful (3:22)Sci-Fi (3:22)Western (3:22)Family (4:50)News (5:48)Western (6:15)Sci-Fi (6:15)Family (6:51)

Exciting, fun, grand (0:00)pained, hurt (04:20)anguish, upset (06:15)hopeful (07:30)Passing of time, floating (09:56)Majestic, exciting, fun, something good is about to happen (10:37)happy, satisfied (12:15)